2024 I GOT THIS Golf Camp - Tiburón Golf Club - Presented by Pathways to Opportunity - Naples, FL

Jun 24
Jun 28, 2024

We are thrilled to be headed back to Tiburón Golf Club in Naples, Florida for an I GOT THIS Golf Camp presented by Pathways to Opportunity*!

Our Golf Camp is the perfect opportunity for Athletes to learn the fundamentals for a strong foundation for golf. In ten hours over the course of five days, professional golf instructors teach Athletes about grip, posture, stance, set up, half and full swings, short game, and putting. Critical to the Athlete’s success is the introduction of a Playing Partner. A Playing Partner works alongside the Athlete, mentors them, and helps further their golf journey beyond Camp. Playing Partners are typically a family member or close adult friend.

With their newly acquired skills, Athletes can practice with family and friends at a driving range, visit popular venues like Topgolf, and even practice on the course! The Camp requires a minimum of six Athlete/Playing Partner teams and a maximum of twelve. The instructor ratio is six Athletes to one instructor.

*This I GOT THIS Golf Camp is a private event.

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Venue details

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Tiburón Golf Club

2620 Tiburón Dr

Naples, FL

Organizer details

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Tracy Hupko
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